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Who and How We Serve

Our Services

St. Steven Public Relations (St. Steven PR) serves and supports those that strive to serve others in the public sphere. These individuals can include authors, keynote, educational and motivational speakers, government officials (professional and elected) nonprofits, and others who have valuable education and information to share for the greater good.

Every St. Steven PR client is vetted before any engagement can be created, to ensure their core goals and motivations are aligned with ours - in that they intend to educate, enlighten, motivate and inspire others in meaningful ways. Clients are provided with custom-tailored consulting services and deliverables that develop a public persona, and a unique strategy that catapults them to amplify their messages to reach distinct target audiences.

Talent Representation - PR, Public Information and Image Management

Lightning strikes a knight on battlefield.

Political Campaign Management Fledgling to Established Candidates

Medieval knights fight, great tournament

Additional Campaign Communications

Ancient Inkwell, feather pen and old paper with a seal